
The logo abstractly combines the elements of pandanus foliage, Bayside location, Aboriginal settlement and environment. The Bayside location and Aboriginal influences are reflected at the base of the logo moving in classical lines up towards the green environmental aspect of the design which includes the pandanus palm foliage as a significant feature.
The line work (white section) connecting the upper and lower components represents a graphic interpretation of ‘turning over a new leaf’, ‘starting a new page’. The design honours the historic Aboriginal past and symbolises a bright environmentally sustainable future. A strong organic font has been used to reinforce the importance of environmental sustainability within the school culture and curriculum.
Amalgamation History
The construction of Wynnum State School was part of the Queensland Government’s major transformation of Queensland’s education facilities under the $850 million State Schools of Tomorrow initiative. $150 million was allocated to the development of the Brisbane Bayside cluster of schools. The aim of the State Schools of Tomorrow project was to enhance the sustainability of educational provision in the cluster by investing significantly in those schools that are strategically located to meet future community needs. The new facilities are to enable the delivery of a modern, relevant curriculum well into the future.
Extensive public consultation with the Bayside community played a major role in shaping this project which commenced in late 2006. The construction project, firstly, involved the closure of Wynnum North State High School and relocation of the students and staff to the Brisbane Bayside State College in 2010. This made way for the construction of new primary school facilities on the site. The construction program extended into 2011 due to finding asbestos in the ground during initial construction of H and L Blocks. Through the Department of Environment Resource Management the asbestos remediation program was completed with a clearance obtained for further work on, and completion of, H and L blocks and occupancy.
At the end of the 2010 school year Lindum and Wynnum Central State Schools, at their existing sites, were closed for business, at those sites. Due to the delay of the construction of the new school the students, their families and staff of these schools relocated to Wynnum State School, in its makeshift campus in the grounds of the Wynnum North State School. This location became known as Wynnum State School, Tingal Hill site!