Wynnum State School supports the Early Phase Learning Philosophy that children
need to be active and engaged in authentic learning experiences, through an inquiry based curriculum, with flexible planning that enriches and extends their multiple intelligences.

A purposeful and strategic transition program is required to support a successful transition into formal schooling.
The Wynnum State School transition program is lead by Lara Collingwood, Deputy Principal – Inclusion/ Prep Precinct Leader, who will liaise with local Early Childhood Education Centres. Through shared practice, observation visits and provision of transition statements, the school will gather data in relation to the cognitive, social and emotional needs and interest of the children. This is to ensure a smooth and supported continuation of their learning journey, transitioning to formal schooling.
To enrol in Prep, information can be found on the Enrolments tab of our website.

School Captains Tour
Thursday 29 May at 9:00am
All families welcome
No RSVP necessary